- Commissioner: Countess Maria Przezdziecka.
- Drawing: architect Georg Werner (1851–1920)
- Created: Mayer Königliche Bayerische Hofkunstanstalt in Munich, 1884
- Material: Painted glass and lead
- Size: 700 x 285 cm
- Inscriptions: On scroll in the angel hands: GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO [Glory to God in the highest].
- Conservation: During World War II removed and placed in the cellar. Restored in 1962; restorer: Alfreds Lilientals (1886–1980), pedagogue of Riga Secondary School of Applied Arts, together with his students. Glass fragments from the south-side stained glass panels were used in the restoration. In 2011–2012 restored by Andris Klavnieks.
Jesus Christ was born into the world by the virgin Mary. He became a man like us, so that we may have eternity with God in Him.
Mary was specially chosen by God. The birth of the Son of God was especially revealed to Mary by an angel. Stained glass of Mary with the Mandorla of the children of Jesus is the oldest stained-glass window in the Riga Cathedral.
The centre of the stained-glass window features the Mother of God with the Little Christ on the crescent. Six angels enclose the figures: two hold a large queen’s crown over the Virgin’s head, the next two take off Mary’s cloak but the last pair hold the crescent, kneeling at the Virgin’s feet.
The stained-glass window shows a description from the Bible, The book of the Revelation 12:1. Representatives of the Tiesenhausen family’s different generations are among the worshippers of Mary. The eldest is Bishop Albert’s vassal, Knight of the Order of the Brothers of the Sword Engelbrecht von Tiesenhausen. He points his right hand towards the worshipping descendants – Reinhold Tiesenhausen and his brother’s grandson Count Johann Przezdziecki kneeling at the ancestors’ tomb. The upper part of the stained-glass window depicts an angel sitting on a throne and holding a scroll with the text GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO [GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST]. The lower part features the coats of arms of the Plater-Sieberg, Tiesenhausen and Przezdziecki families. Stained-glass is a vivid example of the highest achievements of stained-glass art in Western Europe in the the end of the 19th century.