Author: unknown
Date: 1759
Material: Wood, polychromia
Dimensions, mm: 2710×1660
Restoration: stonemason E. Sterling with his assistant E. Feldman in 1898
Dmitrijs Laščetko, Zane Kēlere in 2015.
Epitaph of the Grand Guild Elder Dietrich Dreyling (19.11.1625 – 09.03.1686)
At the center of the massive architecturally constructed two-story epitaph is the “Resurrection of Christ” tab. Christ with the victory flag in his hands is depicted in a bright glory covered in clouds at the top of the composition. Beneath him is a sarcophagus with an open lid and four miraculously surprised Roman soldiers. The scene includes composite orchard pilasters with a skull and crossbones on the left base and an hourglass on the right. On the sides of the column, on the base on the right – a rose with a sickle, on the left – a bundle of cereals with a sickle. In the center of the second floor you can see the symbol of the Holy Spirit – a dove surrounded by glories and clouds. On the sides – pairs of pilasters. The composition concludes with a triangular pediment with a tab of God the Father and winged angels.
in the cartouche below the relief: 1 COR. 15 V. 55. / DER TOT. IST. VERSCHLV / IN DEN SIG: TOD WO IST DEIN STA / CHEL: HÖLLE WO IST DEIN SIG:;
in the lower cartouche: Der Wol Edle Grosac / htbahr vnd Wolfvrnehme Herr / Dietrich Dreyling Eltuster der / Grossen : Gvlde: / Gebohren Anno 1625 den 19 novembris / Gestotben Anno 1686 den 9 Marty erwartet alhir der allgemeinen Auferstehung.
Noble and highly respected and honorable Mr. Dietrich Dreiling – Elder of the Great Guild: born November 19, 1625, died March 9, 1686, here awaits the general resurrection.