Author: unknown
Date: 1740
Material: Wood, polychromia
Technique: carving, painting
Dimensions, mm:
Restoration: The epitaph was restored in 1820. The inscription on a separate plate states: „Renovirt Anno 1820 durch Carl Otto von Lowenstern, Landrrath in Liefland Her zu Wolmarshoff, Alt – Antzen, Neu-Antzen, Caster, Meckshoff, Heidhoff, und Kokenhusen, und durch seine Ehegattin geborne von Beyer, zu Stockmannshoff, Lapinsky, Dannenfeldt und Wessit.”
Epitaph restored in the 90s of the 19 century.
During the restoration of the Riga cathedral partially repainted in 1959-1962
Wooden epitaph of the Royal Major of Sweden and Landrat of Livonia Valentin von Löwenstern (03.01.1666 – 27.10.1740).
The coat of arms of the epitaph and the inscription plate, together with the rich ornament, form a square with rounded corners, above which rises the figure of the kleinod of the helmet.
In upper part is the coat of arms of the Löwenstern. Shield with a horizontal blue stripe on the silver background. In the center of the shield stands a gilded crowned lion on a green base. Over the head of lion on either side a hexagonal gold star.
The mantling of the helmet is treated as baroque acanthus with a floral motif. It surrounds the entire shield, distinguishing in shape and color from the flatter cut leaves in the background.
On both sides of the coat of arms stands two supporters as human figures. They are fantastically dressed, holding a spears and shields.
In the center of the lower part is an inscription plate with text in the German language. The text in in the plaque is difficult to read.
„Der Hoch Wohl Gebohrne Herr Herr Valentin von Lowenstern Im Herzogthhum Liefland Wohl verdrinten Land-Rath In Sr. Konigl. Majestat von Schweden Krieges Diensten bestalt gewesener Major Erb Herr von Alt-Antzen Ist gebohren Anno 1666 den 3ten Januari und hat das Zeitliche mit dem Ewi gen auf seniem Erb Guth Alt-Antzen verwechselt im Jahr 1740 den 27sten Octobet Nachdem er in dieser jammervollen Welt Ein Alter auf 74 Jahr 9 monat 3 Wochen und 3 Tage gebracht.”